- How to export election results and why archiving is important
- Step-By-Step Guide to Exporting Voting Results
- Video Guide: Exporting Voting Results in 7 Seconds
- Conclusion
- Security Features you should expect in a voting tool
How to export online election results and why you should save them
The NemoVote result export allows election administrators to easily download the voting results of an online vote once it has been closed. This feature offers a quick, simple, and secure way to generate a PDF version of your election results, which is perfect for sharing and archiving.
With this feature, you can ensure that your voting results are stored in a legally compliant and transparent format, making it a valuable tool for organizations searching for legally safe, GDPR compliant online elections tools.
Interested on how your election could be archived? Download Example Election Result PDF Export.Guide to Export Voting Results to PDF
Provided, you are logged in as a voting manager/voting administrator, the following steps show how the PDF export feature works in NemoVote.
- Step 1: After the vote has closed, simply click the PDF icon to initiate the download under Closed votes.
- Step 2: The results will automatically download as a PDF document.
How to Export Voting Results from NemoVote in 7 Seconds
Sample Exported PDF - First Page
The exported results contain all the information of the vote. You can choose which information should be included in the online election export:
- Name of the vote
- Vote Description, including all information, such as added pictures, links, etc.
- Vote Settings
- Vote results
- Eligible Voter lists
Conclusion: Conduct Legally Safe Online Elections
NemoVote is a perfect solution for any organization looking for a GDPR-compliant voting system, seeking to conduct legally compliant online elections. Through online elections with NemoVote, you enable legally safe voting with transparent, verifiable results.