Results (voter)

If the vote results are accessible to voters, they will be able to access the results through the vote overview page by clicking the blue results icon.

results icon

This is what the results page for a vote (here vote with name "test vote 3") looks like for the voter.

vote results voter

  • Voters: How many voters voted in this vote and how they voted in respect to the different vote options
  • Votes: How many total votes where submitted. This is equal or greater than the amount of voters, because one voter can have several voting rights through different voter lists.
  • Percentage: The percentage is calculated according to the amount of votes.
  • Voter lists eligible for this vote: Shows which voter lists where eligible for voting in this vote and how much weight the voter lists had.

Show voter ballots

As a voter you have the ability to check your own voter ballot after submition.

Click this icon next to the vote:

voter ballot icon

Each submitted vote gets a unique Transaction Id which can be used for autiding purposes (verifying that the submitted vote equals the recorded vote).

voter ballot result

The vote choice is only available for votes that where set to public ballot. For secret ballots the vote choice is not saved in the NemoVote database and not accessible to anyone (even to the voter that submitted it). This ensures the anonymity of the ballot.